Religion and Worldviews
As a church school our Christian values are the bedrock of all learning and day-to-day lived experiences. We are passionate about the fundamental importance of Religion and Worldviews both in our curriculum and in the lives our children. The children at Knightlow experience at least one hour of Religious Education every week following a carefully planned amalgamation of the Understanding Christianity scheme and the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Coventry and Warwickshire.
It is our intent that the Religion and Worldviews curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children and develops specific knowledge and skills derived from the practices of theology, philosophy and human and social science, such as:
We believe that our curriculum helps our children to gain a deep awareness and understanding of their own and others' unique identities as they explore life's big questions through a wider variety of world religions and belief systems.
What is a worldview?
A worldview is the way in which a person encounters, interprets, understands and engages with the world. A person's worldview may change over time. This curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to acknowledge, explore and interrogate their own worldview as well as the worldviews of others.
Visits to Places of Worship
Connecting with All Saints' Church is such an important focus for us and every year group visits the each year.
In the church, children re-learnt about the key architectural features and religious artifacts, as well as discovering some of the history of the church and why it is such an important part of village life.
Importantly they learnt about the church as a place of Christian worship to help contextualise our planned whole school Harvest and Welcome services later in the term.
All Saints' is at the heart of our Knightlow Family.
Year 3 and 5 visited St Edith's and St Joseph's churches in the village of Monks Kirby to learn all about how both church communities mark events during Holy Week and to compare their similarities and differences. During the visit the children were in awe of both of the buildings and the religious artefacts they contained and they questioned Reverend Fox and Father Matthew keenly in order to deepen their understanding of how Christians worship there, particularly at Easter time.
The children and staff are very grateful to both churches for a brilliant morning's learning! Thank you!
Reverence Week 2024
‘The Fruit of the Spirit’
Bi-annually we celebrate a very special Reverence week as the Knightlow Family.
During this particular week we focus on our disposition of Reverence. The week gives time for all members of The Knightlow Family to understand more deeply the capacities of: Worship, Respect, Awe, Wonder and Grace.
To launch our most recent special week each child was invited to recognise God's Holy Spirit at work in the lives of the people around us, and ourselves, as we examined the Fruit of the Spirit from Paul's letter to the Galatians found in the bible. It was a wonderful opportunity for us all to reflect on what it looks like to grow in Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control.
The children reflected on specific bible stories and created glorious 'Joy Collages' in their classes. We planted 'Patience Gardens' and showed kindness through connecting with local charities.
Karen and Douglas from our wonderful church team even transformed our hall into a prayer space where the children were immersed in learning and prayer related to the Fruit of the Spirit.
Year 6 Retreat
Each year our wonderful church leaders organised and led a special retreat day for our Year 6 pupils during their final weeks at Knightlow. The day presents the opportunity for our children to reflect on the memories, experiences and achievements of their primary years and focus on the next part of their life journey. The seed pattern of a labyrinth was introduced to the children as a way that they could structure their reflections of thanks, hopes, dreams and prayers.