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Year 6

Year 6 

Spring 2025


Welcome back to a new term. We have lots to look forward to, including our trip to the Young Voices choir performance in Birmingham as well as the Year 6 residential trip to Duke's Barn in Derbyshire.


Please have a look at the Learning Newsletter below to see what we will be learning about this term. As always, do get in contact with us if you have any questions. 



PE Kit

Please make sure you wear your PE kit on Monday and Wednesday so you are ready for our lessons. 

Your kit should include dark bottoms and a plain white t-shirt (or one with the school logo if you prefer).



There will be a significant 'step-up' in terms of homework expectations this term. A grammar and punctuation focus will be given each week by Mrs MacRae. This will be linked to our learning in school will be completed in CGP books. Maths homework will be set by Mr McLaren and will need to be completed online, using 'Mathletics'. Log-ins will be stuck into homework diaries. Spellings are linked to spelling shed and a homework sheet with spellings for the term will be sent out during the first week back. This can also be found further down this Year 6 class page.  


As well as Grammar, Maths and Spellings, children should continue to read regularly at home. We expect children to read for 45 minutes at least 5 times during the week. 


Homework Club is held at lunch time on Wednesday if you need a quiet space or support.


Finally, there is an optional Pick 'n' Mix selection of activities to complete at home. If you complete any of these activities then please do share your work with us; we'd love to see it and celebrate your efforts. 



We would encourage you to bring a healthy snack for break times. Our mornings sessions are long and you need to keep your energy levels up!





The Year 6 Curriculum Long Term Plan

Duke's Barn Information Slides

'Meet The Teacher' September 2024

Pick 'n' Mix (Optional Homework Activities)

  • Knightlow C.of E. Primary School,
  • Hill Crescent, Stretton-on-Dunsmore,
  • Rugby, United Kingdom, CV23 9NF
  • Tel: 02476 543751
  • Email: