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Year 6

Year 6 

Autumn 2024



Welcome to our lovely new Year 6s. We hope that you have had a restful and refreshing summer break.  We are so excited to get into the swing of things this year, getting stuck into all of the lovely learning that will be taking place throughout the term. We will be establishing new routines, 


In early September, please look out for the Learning Newsletter in your child's bag so that you can have a read through what is going on in the classroom this half term.



PE Kit

Please make sure you wear your PE kit on Tuesday and Wednesday so you are ready for our lessons. 

Your kit should include dark bottoms and a plain white t-shirt (or one with the school logo if you prefer).



English homework will be set by Mrs Maher on Fridays and Maths homework will be set by Mr McLaren on Mondays. Please make sure that these tasks are handed in on time and that they are presented to the standard we expect in school. Pupils are also expected to learn their weekly spellings, times tables and reading for 45 minutes at least 5 times during the week. A list of spellings for each week can be found below. They will also be assigned to your account on Spelling Shed. Homework Club is held at lunch time on Wednesday if you need a quiet space or support.



We would encourage you to bring a healthy snack for break times. Our mornings sessions are long and you need to keep your energy levels up!





Year 6 Parent Information Evening September 2023

  • Knightlow C.of E. Primary School,
  • Hill Crescent, Stretton-on-Dunsmore,
  • Rugby, United Kingdom, CV23 9NF
  • Tel: 02476 543751
  • Email: