Knightlow Staff
Come and meet the staff at Knightlow
Headteacher: Mrs Claire Woolley
Deputy Headteacher: Mr Alex McLaren
EYFS & Key Stage One Lead: Mrs Cathy Amos-Simpson
Key Stage Two Leader: Mrs Faye Maher
Teaching Staff:
Mrs Cathy Amos-Simpson: Reception
Miss Rebekah Wilby: Year 1
Miss Alice Hill: Year 2
Mrs Sarah Burchill: Year 3
Miss Florence Sharp Year 4
Mrs Hannah Keyte: Year 5 (Mon - Thurs) & Mr Alex McLaren: (Fri) Year 5
Mr Alex McLaren: (Mon-Tues) Year 6
Mrs Faye Maher: (Weds-Fri) Year 6
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Kirstie Horne: TA Reception
Miss Kim Wassman: TA Reception
Mrs Hannah Salt: TA Reception
Mrs Lisa Whitehead: TA Reception
Mrs Caroline Brady: TA Year 1
Mrs Clare Bavington: TA Year 2
Miss Emma Knott: TA Year 2
Mrs Rosie Roberts: TA Year 3
Mrs Fiona Haden: TA Year 3
Mrs Sarah Connolly: TA Year 4
Miss Georgina Demeter: TA Year 4
Mrs Lisa Anderson: TA Year 5
Mr Stephen Fanning: TA Year 5
Mrs Karen Gardner: TA Year 6
Miss Grace Gutteridge: TA Year 6
Mrs Rachel Bown: TA Year 6
Mrs Juliet Betteridge: 1:1 TA
Mrs Sue Gutteridge: 1:1 TA
SENDCOs: Mrs Alex Duckett & Mrs F Maher
Visiting Colleagues:
Lee Davies (Positive Impact)
Camilla Grainger (Counselling Services)
Luci Geapin (Visual Impairment Support)
Support Staff:
Mrs Tracy Stiles Office Administrator
Mrs Donna Harrington School Finance Officer
Mr Jamie Purchase Caretaker
Midday Supervisors:
Miss Kim Wassman
Mrs Caroline Brady (Senior MDS)
Miss Emma Knott
Mrs Clare Bavington
Mrs Lisa Anderson
Mrs Rosie Roberts
Miss Grace Gutteridge
Miss Georgina Demeter
Miss Jade Rees
Mrs Sarah Connolly
Kitchen Staff
Ms Nicola Popa
Ms Tien Nielsen
Ms Melissa Talbot-Hyde
Roles and responsibilities
Mrs Claire Woolley: Assessment, CPD, Safeguarding, Music, Collective Worship
Mr Alex McLaren: Maths, R.E., School Council and Attendance
Mrs Cathy Amos-Simpson: Key Stage One Learning Leader, Art, Forest School, Early Years. Phonics and Reading Lead and Outdoor Learning Lead
Mrs Alex Duckett and Mrs Faye Maher: SENDCos
Miss Alice Hill: Science
Mrs Faye Maher: English and PSHE and RSE
Miss Rebekah Wilby: Computing, P.E. and Reading Lead
Mrs Sarah Burchill: Modern Foreign Languages
Miss Florence Sharp: History
Mrs Hannah Keyte: Geography
DSL for Child Protection and Safeguarding: Mrs Claire Woolley
Deputy DSLs for Child Protection and Safeguarding: Mr Alex McLaren, Mrs Cathy Amos-Simpson and Mrs Faye Maher
First Aiders at Work: Miss Georgina Demeter