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As a Voluntary Aided Church of England school, Knightlow's admissions arrangements are set by the governing body. However, all applications for places must be made through Warwickshire's admissions department, with whom we work closely to ensure places are allocated fairly and as outlined in our policy (see below). There are 30 places available in Reception and Key Stage 1, and 32 places available in Key Stage 2 (years 3 to 6), with unsuccessful applicants invited to appeal for an additional place if their child is in Key Stage 2 only. Any appeals are made through the Diocesan Board of Education, who will be happy to provide more advice on appeal dates and deadlines. 

Primarily, the school provides places for all those children of Bourton, Frankton, Marton, Princethorpe and Stretton-on-Dunsmore who apply, and governors ensure that these children are given priority when places are allocated. Additional places are then offered according to the school's priority criteria, which you can view in detail in the Admissions Policy.  Please be aware that, if you are applying for a place on faith grounds, you must submit the supplementary faith form, which is attached below and can be downloaded as a Word document or a PDF, or is available as a paper copy from the school.

If you would like your child to attend Knightlow, please contact us to discuss this further and to view the school. Visitors are always welcome! 

Jill Vavasour


Knightlow CofE Primary School Admissions Policy 2025-26

Request for Variation of Knightlow admissions policy for 23/24, 24/25 & 25/26


The Knightlow CofE school admissions policy prioritises practicing members of other faiths, based on full membership of the Inter Faith Network for the UK ahead of other children in its over-subscription criteria. With the closure of the Inter Faith Network the school is unable to apply this over-subscription criteria in its currently published admissions policies.

Hence, the Governing body is applying to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator to have these criteria removed from the currently published admissions policies, as in consultation with the Diocesan Board of Education, we are currently unable to identify another other faiths test which meets the statutory requirements of the Admissions Code.

If you have any questions or would like further information on this subject then please contact the Chair of Governors (

Knightlow CofE Primary School Admissions Policy 2024-25

Coventry Diocese Independent Admission Appeals Form

Please find below the timetable for 2023/4 admission appeals hearings:


Proposed In-Year Appeal Hearing Dates – 2024


Tuesday 16 January

Wednesday 21 February

Tuesday 19 March

Wednesday 17 April

Thursday 23 May

Tuesday 18 June

Wednesday 10 July

Wednesday 25 September

Wednesday 16 October

Thursday 14 November

Wednesday 11 December


Where possible all Appeals received by 21 June 2024 will be heard before the start of the new term in September 2024. It may not be possible to hear appeals received after this date prior the start of the new term in September 2024.


Main Round Appeals – Primary

(National Offer Day – 17 April 2024)


Deadline for appeals to be lodged – 24 May

Appeals to be heard week commencing 17 June

Late appeals will be heard within the statutory timescales published in the School Admission Appeals Code

  • Knightlow C.of E. Primary School,
  • Hill Crescent, Stretton-on-Dunsmore,
  • Rugby, United Kingdom, CV23 9NF
  • Tel: 02476 543751
  • Email: