Dear Parents,
Welcome to Year 2! I am thrilled to have the privilege of teaching your child this academic year. For myself, working at Knightlow is an utter pleasure as I get to work with exceptional colleagues and wonderful children. This year, you will see your child grow academically as we challenge and push them to reach ever higher heights. I can’t wait to see how far they all come by the end of the year. We have settled back into school life and are ready to begin our half term topic: Pioneers!
Homework is handed out on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. Children have also been given weekly spellings for this half term that will be tested every Friday. All spellings can be found on the weekly homework sheet.
PE will take place each Monday and Friday. Children will change before they come in to school. Please note some sessions may be outdoors so please make sure that they have suitable clothing for this.
Reading books
Children will be able to change their reading books every week and more frequently if required. They will be benchmarked regularly to ensure that they are reading the most appropriate book bands. We would be grateful if you could record all your child’s reading at home in their reading diary so that we can monitor their progress. Please do let us know if you have any other questions or if we can assist in any way.
Please find an outline of the curriculum for the half term ahead. I am very much looking forward to the exciting learning opportunities and activities that await us. If you have any queries at any time, please don’t hesitate to contact myself either via the office or at the end of the day.
Kind Regards,
Miss Hill
Newsletters 2024-2025
Helping at Home
We always appreciate any help you can give in supporting your child’s learning. Here are some of the ways you can help:
· Listening to your child read or sharing books together.
· Asking questions about the stories you share, encouraging children to make inferences based on the characters’ actions, asking them to retell you the story in the right order and asking them to predict what might happen next.
· Practising their handwriting. This doesn’t have to be actual writing; it can be any kind of exercise that helps hand strength such a playing wheel barrows or visiting the monkey bars!
· Allowing them to pay for items in a shop, counting out the money and checking any change.
· Asking them to tell you the time.
· Practising their times tables (particularly their 2s, 5s and 10s) – there are lots of lovely songs you will find online.
· Help them practise their weekly spellings. Encourage them to find strategies that might help them remember tricky spellings.