Welcome to Year 3! - Autumn Term 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Summer came and went in a flash and here we are, a new team in Year 3. I’m delighted and feel very privileged to have such a lovely class as a new member of the Knightlow family. During the past week, the children have explored our school wide text ‘Visiting Feelings’ and we have written, drawn, created music and explored the book together which has been a wonderful start the year. We have all settled into school life and have just started our half term topic of The Stone Age!
As a school we are reviewing our homework policy, so for now this our homework routine, but it is subject to change.
Spellings will be issued on a Monday in the back of the spelling test book which the children will bring home to use as reference to practice at home. Please practice on scrap paper and not in the test book itself. The children should bring their book back on Monday to complete the spelling test and then they can bring it back again and share their results with you.
Maths Please encourage your child to log into Timestable Rockstars as tasks will be set for the children to complete. Timestable Rockstars is a really fun way to practise at home. https://ttrockstars.com If you need another password for this please let one of the team know.
Reading is encouraged at every opportunity. The children are able to change their books weekly, or more frequently if required. Homework diaries have been handed out and any reading at home can be recorded with any helpful comments to share with us here at school so we can monitor their progress. We benchmark the children frequently to support their reading development and make sure they are reading at the appropriate book band.
This half term, PE will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure that children come to school in their PE uniform. Wednesday will be indoor PE and Thursday will be outdoor PE (weather permitting). Some PE sessions will be outdoor so please make sure children have the appropriate clothing.
Please find to follow an insight into our learning curriculum for the half term ahead. There’s already a lot of excitement about our learning opportunities and I’m very much looking forward to teaching your children all that we have planned.
Thank you for your support and please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries.
Mrs. Burchill and the Year 3 team .