Mathematics Statement of Intent
Maths is a vital part of everyday life: it teaches children how to make sense of the world around them. It develops their ability to understand and solve problems. Numbers are one way that we communicate between ourselves about our world; therefore, we need to understand what numbers represent and how they are used in order to better understand our world.
At Knightlow Maths is taught every day. We intend to give every child the capability, confidence and resilience to reach their full potential by ensuring that they have the tools to calculate fluently, reason logically, problem solve and think in abstract ways. For this reason we follow the Abacus scheme of learning (supported with White Rose, NRICH, NCETM and more), taught through a Maths Mastery approach which helps students acquire a deep and long-term understanding of Maths. Lessons taught using a mastery approach involve discussion, questioning a variety of enjoyable Maths activities as well as physical demonstrations of abstract concepts. We believe this is all important for our children's mathematical development.
Our aim is to support children to: