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Year 1

Kids Read Aloud: The Magical Yet📚 Read 2021- Courage

We have been learning about the story ' The Magical Yet'. We have been working really hard on our resilience and positive language. If you would like to share any celebrations linking to resilience, please send in a 'Magical yet' voucher alongside a picture to add to our gallery. If you would like to send the picture to school, we are happy to print it off for you.



Dear Parents,

Welcome to Year One!

This term we are learning about all things school. We will be comparing a school now to a Victorian School and will be discussing rules, punishments, environments and learning Victorian school games and songs. 

We have just split off into new Phonics groups and the children have thrived under the approach. Each week the children learn 3 new sounds which they revisit at the end of the week, in addition to practicing their reading skills. Here they learn to decode words, both aloud and in their head, learn 'red' (non-decodable words), which help build their fluency, develop their comprehension skills and become story tellers by reading aloud with expression and sometimes actions!


We are so incredibly proud of the children and their hard work so far and cannot wait to watch them grow and share in their achievements. We are very grateful for all of the support and help you have been giving your child. It is so lovely to see how enthusiastic and proud of their learning your children are and we can't wait to keep sharing our learning with you!


Thank you for your ongoing support,


Miss Wilby and the Year 1 Team


Reading books

Children will be able to change reading books every Friday. Please use the reading bookmarks (linking to your child's phonics group) to support your child and their comprehension of the text that they are reading. Each week your child will come home with:-

  • A Book bag book - which links to their phonics grouping and is set for your child to develop their decoding and comprehension skills.
  • An Early reader book - A book to enjoy together 
  • An online Phonics book - The book your child has been reading in school that past week so that they can practice their storyteller voices and to continue to revisit red words.
  • A library book - A book to enjoy together


Please can you record all your child’s reading at home in their Reading diary, including the name of the book and the pages read. This is really important and allows us to get the full picture of your child's immersion to books and helps us to understand and support your child's reading progress effectively. 



Children will have PE lessons every Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that children come into school in their full PE kit ready for their PE lesson that day.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for your ongoing support.


Miss Wilby and the Year 1 team

Parents information evening 2024-2025


In addition to our Read Write Inc Speed Sounds lessons, we also teach the using the Story Books. Please see the videos below for elements of the lessons. 

Knightlow Children Say Phonics Sounds

Still image for this video

Story Green Words

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Speed Sounds From The Story Book

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Partner Practice

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Partner Read

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Hold A Sentence

Still image for this video
  • Knightlow C.of E. Primary School,
  • Hill Crescent, Stretton-on-Dunsmore,
  • Rugby, United Kingdom, CV23 9NF
  • Tel: 02476 543751
  • Email: