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Learning Power

Learning Power Statement of Intent

The principles of the Learning Power Approach are at the very heart of Knightlow’s learning philosophy. A transparency of understanding of what learning is; the secure knowledge of dispositions that human beings need to be able to learn well and the recognition that learning takes effort, determination and courage are all fundamental to moving learning forwards. All members of the Knightlow Family learn about learning and are challenged to recognise and reflect upon their own learning behaviours regularly.

Reflective conversations with learning partners, groups, whole class and whole school scenarios are woven into all learning opportunities. All children have their own personal learning journal that they record their reflections in at least once a week. Here they develop their independent skills of reflection, developing an honesty with themselves about their successful learning behaviours and those dispositions that they are aware need more focus and development in order to maximise their learning.

A range of Learning Power Challenges are set across academic years linking to different areas of the curriculum and focusing on key learning dispositions. These are either whole school or entire Knightlow Family challenges.

It is our intention that by the time our children leave Knightlow that they are prepared for life-long limitless learning and understand that learning is for everyone.  They will have a deep-rooted and reflective understanding of themselves as learners and a developed metacognition of learning.  This critical awareness is will empower them to learn boldly as they move as they continue their life-long journey of learning.



  • Knightlow C.of E. Primary School,
  • Hill Crescent, Stretton-on-Dunsmore,
  • Rugby, United Kingdom, CV23 9NF
  • Tel: 02476 543751
  • Email: