History Statement of Intent
Historical studies are fundamental to every child as we all experience a local and national history that draws us together in shared stories. Our History curriculum at Knightlow strives to inspire curiosity in our pupils whilst developing a broad knowledge base and the key historical skills. Our intent is to deliver a curriculum that is accessible to all and that will enable children to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.
Our curriculum has been designed to flow logically and chronologically whilst covering the history of the British Isles from the earliest times to the present day. Additionally, an exploration of the history of the wider world including ancient civilisations, the expansion and dissolution of empires and the characteristic features of past non-European societies provide our children with a broad and balanced overview. Children are introduced to key historical vocabulary and concepts such as time, change and chronology, cause and consequence, evidence and reliability, interpretation and significance. A central aim of our enquiry based learning approach is the development of the fundamental skills of research, analysis, evaluation, communication and reflection. Children are encouraged to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. Wherever possible, studies are enhanced by incorporating our rich local history, drawing children in by making their study more relevant and personalised to them. Children’s learning is enhanced by the use of a wide range of primary and secondary historical sources and we encourage the children to use their learning power of reflection to regularly review and make connections in their studies.
Our children love History and we always seek ways to bring History to life through integrated themes and topics. The children really enjoy having a topic to sink their teeth into, and this year already they have been immersed in times gone by such as the Ancient Greeks, The Victorians, The Stone-Age and Mexico and the Mayans. As often as we can, class teachers will arrange educational visits to further extend the children's learning and understanding. Years One and Two enjoyed a trip to St. John's Museum recently, and found out what life would have been like attending a Victorian school.
Recently, we thoroughly enjoyed a special visitor coming to our school and providing History workshops about the New Stone Age (Neolithic) for Year 3 and Bronze and Iron Age for Year 4. He brought history to life and showed us what it was like to live during those times. Both classes came dressed in appropriate costumes, and the day was filled with lots of interesting, fact filled and fun activities.
Year 3 learnt about what it was like to be a hunter-gatherer and how people made tools, clothing and shelters during the Neolithic period. In addition, they had the opportunity to observe closely many fascinating artefacts and try and work out what they might have been used for. In the classroom, the children had the chance to try food from that period in time, make necklaces, observe and create cave paintings. See a few photos of the days events.
Year 4 spent the day learning about the Bronze and Iron Age ending with the Roman Invasion of Britain in (c60AD), which prepared them nicely for the very own Roman day later on in the spring term. Photos to follow.
Please find below a copy of the Primary History curriculum covering both Key Stage One and Two.
Plus, the whole School History Curriculum for 2022-23