Home Page



Welcome to Reception Class


Adults that will help and support you in Reception Class this year

Mrs Amos-Simpson, Mrs Horne, Mrs Whitehead, Mrs Salt and Miss Wassman



Spring Term 2 2025


We start this term with the 'Bikeability' project, where all the children will be taught about road safety and learn to use balance bikes safely.


This term activities and learning will be inspired by our learning theme 'Here We Are' . We will be learning about the world around us including our partner schools in Malawi and Uganda and our own village and school.



We will continue to looking for seasonal changes as signs of spring pop up around us. We will be looking after our own eggs in our incubator taking care of them until they hopefully hatch just before Easter.  We will continue to use our wonderful outside spaces, and create recipes in our Mud kitchen and explore and utilise our Forest Site as much as we can. 


In Literacy, through our daily phonics and reading sessions using the Read Write Inc phonics scheme, we will continue to work on recognising and writing Set 1 and Set 2 letter sounds and blending these speedily to read words and sentences. We are also working on developing our fine motor and dexterity to develop our handwriting skills, through fun handwriting teaching sessions and using Dough Disco time to help us with this.  Your child will have the opportunity to choose a library book and will be given  reading books on a Monday and have access at home to the online book your child is working on in their Read Write Storybooks phonics lessons at school. 


We will also begin our Stories4School project, planning and creating our stories and illustrations for our whole school book that will be published and available to buy during our Book Launch event in the summer term. More information to follow.


We will use Numicon and other practical resources to support and enhance maths learning and continue to be involved in the Mastering Numbers Project where Number Blocks is used. Through practical activities and games  there will be daily opportunities for developing a deeper understanding of number. Throughout the year we will be working on recognising and writing and having a really good understanding of numbers 1-20. Through practical activities in the classroom and using our outside spaces, children will be encouraged to develop problem solving skills, use subatising, develop awareness and understanding of different number patterns and hopefully develop confidence and enjoyment when using maths and number. We will also work on recognising the properties of shape around us as well have an understanding of space and measure too. 


There will of course be lots of opportunities to be creative, develop imagination, explore and investigate and be physical through daily continuous play provision.


Days that your child will be going to Forest School will usually be on a Friday and PE sessions will usually be on a Tuesday afternoon. This term we will continue to develop our ball skills. Please  ensure that your child wears PE into school on Tuesday. 


We will keep you updated on our Class Group Webpage on our school Facebook  

The school page is a super way to keep up with Knightlow News and  our own class group page is a great way to show WOW moments  of learning that your child has done at home as well as a super way for us to keep you updated too. 


Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns or would like to offer your help or support in any way

Thank you 

Mrs Cathy Amos-Simpson 

Reception Class Teacher




Reception Learning Themes 2024-2025

Autumn 1

Autumn Harvest

Autumn 2Space/  Festivals
Spring 1Once Upon a Time          
Spring 2Here We Are 
Summer 1Mad About Mini-beasts
Summer 2Commotion in the Ocean


Reception Learning Newsletters 2024-2025

Early Years Policy 2024-2025

KS1 Reading and Phonics Parent Workshop 2024-2025

Knightlow Children Say Phonics Sounds

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Story Green Words

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Speed Sounds From The Story Book

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Partner Practice

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Partner Read

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Hold A Sentence

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Home Learning 

In the event of school or class closures home learning, activity ideas, resources and detailed planning for Reception Class will be updated weekly on our class webpage Learning can being shared on our class group Facebook page Little Smarties.

  • Knightlow C.of E. Primary School,
  • Hill Crescent, Stretton-on-Dunsmore,
  • Rugby, United Kingdom, CV23 9NF
  • Tel: 02476 543751
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