Moments Matter, Attendance Counts
We believe that good attendance by pupils is a cornerstone in assuring high standards of attainment, progress and personal wellbeing. Improving attendance is everyone's business and here at Knightlow C of E Primary School we seek to work closely with pupils and families to remove barriers, to build strong and trusting relationships and to put the right support in place where necessary to ensure excellent attendance for all.
The law entitles every child of compulsory school age to an efficient, full-time education. It is the legal responsibility of every parent to make sure their child attends school regularly. This is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including their attainment, wellbeing, and wider life chances. The pupils with the highest attainment at the end of Key Stage 2 have higher rates of attendance over the Key Stage compared to those with the lowest attainment.
At Knightlow, we recognise the importance of attendance and we work hard to support good attendance through:
- Developing and maintaining a whole school culture that promotes the benefits of high attendance.
- Having a clear school attendance policy which all staff, pupils and parents are able to understand.
- Accurately completing admission and attendance registers and following up on quickly on absences.
- Regularly monitoring and analysing attendance data to identify pupils or year groups that require support.
- Building strong relationships with families, seeking to listen and understand barriers to attendance and working with families to remove them.
- Working closely with the local authority and Warwickshire Attendance Service where absence is at risk of becoming persistent or severe.
NHS Guidance
Absence is permitted is certain circumstances, including medical appointments, illness (see NHS guidance above) and religious observations. If children are unable to attend school then parents should contact the school office from 8:00am - 8:30am (on 02476543751) to provide the relevant information. In the case of extreme sickness, medical evidence will be requested.
If the office staff are unable to speak with you over the phone, please ensure that you give a detailed explanation over voicemail as to your child's illness.
A Staged Approach To Attendance
During half termly attendance reviews, children who are at risk of falling below our 95% attendance target may be spoken to, and parents may be encouraged to share any barriers to attendance with the school Attendance Lead.
Once attendance has dropped below 95%, letters will be sent out informing parents of their child's attendance, with a reminder of the impact that low attendance can have on pupil attainment, progress and wellbeing.
If attendance continues to fall below 90%, this is classed as Persistent Absence. Parents will receive communication from the school requesting a face to face meeting in order to work together to improve attendance. This usually involves short term Attendance Improvement Plans, discussing barriers to attendance and seeking to put support in place where possible.
Leave of Absence Forms
Leave of absence forms can be collected at the school office. Please note that holidays will not be authorised in term time.