Safeguarding children is at the heart of all we do. The school has extensive policies and practices to safeguard children and ensure they can feel safe, secure and valued at school. Any issues related to safeguarding should be brought immediately to the attention of the Designated Safeguarding Lead Professionals, Mrs. Jill Vavasour, Mr. Alex McLaren, Mrs. Cathy Amos-Simpson or Mrs. Faye Maher.
One of the main elements of safeguarding is Child Protection, and this is something that we take very seriously. However, there are many more aspects to safeguarding in school: awareness of online safety and cyber-bullying (see Parents section); maintaining a safe site; keeping the children healthy; valuing diversity; ensuring risk is well assessed and managed; safe recruitment of staff and managing behaviour issues are just a few. The scope of safeguarding is evolving all the time, and we work hard to make sure our practice reflects this and that staff training and professional development keeps pace with knowledge, understanding and updates in relation to safeguarding children.
In this section you will find policies and documents that outline our approach to safeguarding, and other materials that you may find informative.