Once again we are really pleased to see the great attainment and progress of our children at Knightlow as shown in the 2023 assessment outcomes. This year is the first since 2019 where results have been published in full and detailed information on our school's outcomes can be found under the 'Key Information' tab, where you can select the link to 'School Performance Data'.
It is rewarding to see how well all groups have done, especially as we continue to recover from the impact of Covid-19. This is a tribute to the work that families put in on home learning in the two lockdowns, and the way that staff planned and supported this home learning, as well as the recovery plans that were actioned when the children came back to school.
It remains our ambition for all children to succeed and do their best in core subjects, but not to compromise on offering a rich and imaginative learning experience for them that means they can pursue all areas of the curriculum and enjoy their time at Knightlow to the full.
Mrs Vavasour
NB: Due to the impact of Coronavirus, there were no official external results for children in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6 for both 2020 and 2021. In 2022, this changed as external assessments were reintroduced for children throughout schools in England and, whilst the results as a whole were not published as league tables for 2022, they can also be found under Key Information.