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Parents' Consultation Group

What is the Knightlow Parents’ Consultation Group?

The Parents’ Consultation Group exists to improve communication links between parents and Governors in order to support and promote pupils learning.  It considers policies presented by the Governing Body and provides feedback from a parental viewpoint. It is a forum for parents to raise whole school issues for discussion and consideration by the Governing Body and the Head Teacher which may contribute to future school improvement planning. The group also supports the school in finding ways for all parents to engage with school life and support their child’s learning and progress.

The Parents’ Consultation Group has an advisory and consultative role. It is not the channel for individual complaints and issues – these should be raised with the class or head teacher as appropriate.

The group typically meets 1 or 2 times a year and all parents & carers of pupils at Knightlow School are welcome. Agendas are published in advance on the notice board and in the School newsletter. Attendance at PCG meetings is open to all , and there is no requirement to join a specific board or panel - just come along to meetings and join in with the discussions.

If you would like any more details on the parents group and upcoming meetings then please talk to the Parent Governors: Russel Hartland-Shaw or Chris Whiteley, who are both regularly in the school. Alternatively you can email us at: or

Parent Consultation Meetings


Please look out for information in the School newsletter, School website or notice board or talk to the Parent Governors Russel Hartland-Shaw or Chris Whiteley with ideas or suggestions.

  • Knightlow C.of E. Primary School,
  • Hill Crescent, Stretton-on-Dunsmore,
  • Rugby, United Kingdom, CV23 9NF
  • Tel: 02476 543751
  • Email: